Friday, October 5, 2018

The Importance Of Clean HVAC Air Filters

Most experts agree that the air inside your home can be more polluted than the air outdoors. The modern HVAC systems today are equipped with heating and cooling as well as an air filtration system to keep the indoor air clean. The more you use your HVAC system, the more dust, dander, and other substances will accumulate and clog the filters. This will reduce the level of air flow, and it can affect the quality of the air that is circulating throughout the house.

To learn more about why changing your HVAC filters regularly is so important to your family's health and to your budget, read on...

Maintain Healthy Indoor Air Levels

HVAC filters are responsible for trapping indoor pollutants such as mites, dust, anger, and hair. When these pollutants are trapped, they won't be able to circulate all around the house. When the filter has reached its maximum carry capacity, its ability to trap pollutants decreases drastically. This can have a negative effect on the air quality in the home.

Avoid Mold Growth

Dirty HVAC filters are the perfect breeding ground for mold and bacteria. This is especially true if the HVAC system is located in a warm, moist environment. If mold spores and bacteria are circulating around your home, it can result in sneezing, a runny nose, or the common cold.

When your filters are clean, you can be sure that mold and bacteria are not growing there. This is especially important if someone in the house has a weakened or compromised immune system.

Avoid System Failure

When your system is operating with a clogged filter, it puts a serious strain on the system. Over time, this can lead to the breakdown of components which can result in higher energy bills and the need for repairs. Also, this extra work that the system needs to do to keep the house comfortable can shorten the lifespan of the system.

If your system is strained, it can cause your system to freeze up or overheat. Either of these issues can result in a complete shutdown. This is the last thing that you want on the coldest day of the winter or the hottest day of the summer.

Maintain Efficient Energy Use

If your filters are clogged, your HVAC system is going to need more energy to run properly. When dust and dander clogs the filters, it can reduce the level of air flow in the home. This means that your system will need to work harder to effectively cool or heat the home. If you fail to clean your filters, your system will be 15 percent less energy efficient, which will cause your energy bulls to increase. For example, if you have clogged filters, your unit will need to work harder to pump the same amount of air. This will require more power, costing you more money.

Avoid Poor Home Comfort 

If your system is clogged, it is not going to work well. A clogged filter can result in poor air circulation and inefficient cooling due to blockages or overuse and wear and tear. If this happens, your home won't be as comfortable as it should be.

When To Change Your Air Filter

For your HVAC system to remain efficient and in proper working order, you should clean your air filter every month or two. You can also replace the entire filter entirely. Either option is a possibility because new air filters are inexpensive and they are easy to change.

There is no good reason to avoid cleaning or changing your air filter on a regular basis. Regular changing and cleaning of the air filters will ensure that the air quality in your home is safe to breathe. It will also ensure that your HVAC system is running as efficiently as possible. A clean filter will cut down on your energy costs, and it will cut down on any unnecessary strain on the HVAC components. Your family deserves to breathe clean air; therefore, you should keep your air filters clean.

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